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Great Walser Trail


The Walser

Wayfarers, explorers, settlers. From France to Austria, passing through the valleys of Monte Rosa, during the last centuries of the Middle Ages, the Walser people have characterized various areas of the Alpine arc.

A distinctive trait of a historical path that marked medieval Europe, today the Walser, through their journey, want to represent a positive example of stubbornness and resilience and convey a message of love and respect for the untamed nature that welcomed them.

The Land

Walserweg Italy retraces the paths once used by Walser settlers in search of the ‘promised land’ south of the Alps. Paths that cross high mountain passes and descend back into pleasant valleys, through lands capable of offering opportunities for development and prosperity: this was how, step by step, the Walser settled in the territories of Val d’Ossola, Valsesia, Valle di Gressoney and Val d’Ayas.

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The Walser trails in Europe

For decades, the ancient routes travelled by the Walser settlers have been valorized in order to safeguard an ancient knowledge of customs, traditions and know-how.
From Vorarlberg in Austria to France, passing through Switzerland and Italy, a network of paths allows one to relive those itineraries by crossing uncontaminated nature and meeting its guardians.

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